
Object-oriented simulation language UML2 SP

This project is maintained by vgurianov

Space of Small World

in progress …


In SSP methodology, main principle is a decomposition principle. For decomposition used Composite pattern. The «Ontology space» class is a reification of one-to-many relationship. This object structure is called configuration space of system. Usually, it is a linked list or tree. However, a configuration space of system can be very complex structure. Moreover, a configuration space of system can change to time.
In this section, we discuss a dynamics of configuration space.

Problem domain

The small-world model is a model of social network. The small-world network is a network with specific features including short average path lengths and high clustering. In 1998, Duncan J. Watts and Steven Strogatz was proposed procedure for interpolating between a regular ring lattice and a random network [1]. The Watts–Strogatz model is a model that produces graphs with small-world properties (Fig.1).

Figure 1. The Watts–Strogatz model (from [1])

The model constructs an undirected graph in the following way.

More information see on wiki.
We use this idea for simulate dynamics of space.

Analysis model

Our model differs from the Watts–Strogatz model in details. In UML2 SP, a conceptual model is an ontology, which draws as an analysis class diagram. Model of the Small-World is depicted in Fig.2.

Figure 2. Model of the Small World

Description of problem domain semantics.

Ontology define a set concepts: Social entity, Agent, Space of Small-World, Cell of Space, Environment, Small-World. We discuss “Space of Small-World” concept in detail.

The “Item” frame define “Cell of Space” concept. This concept has visited1, visited2 attributes. We suggest two-layer model of interaction. The visited1, visited2 attributes mark activity on first and second layers. The links (“Vector” structure) attribute is a friends list and it define first layer of graph. The iq (“ItemOfQueue” structure) attribute is a full path on graph and it define second layer of graph.
The “Composite” frame define “Space of Small-World” concept. The frame has startOfGraph attribute. It is attribute define an entry point to a graph and is some node of graph. For “Space of Small-World” define two activities.
The first activity we simulate as Breadth-first search (BFS) algorithm. The algorithm is a traversing by graph data structure and similar a diffusion of fire in forest. The bfs() operation define “Perturbation of space” concept. Communication diagram for this activity is depicted in Fig.3.

Figure 3. The “Perturbation of space” activity

First of all, for current node executed “do1()” operation. Further, node request a contacts list (getContactList() operation). The set of contacts add to tail of queue (addContact() operation). In end, from head of queue take new item. This algorithm repeats while queue is not empty.

The do1() operation is a “to tear a near link” act and it generates dfs() activity.
The second activity we simulate as Depth-first search (DFS) algorithm. This activity can use BFS algorithm but DFS is a more interesting. The dfs() operation define “Rewrite links” concept. A communication diagram for this activity is depicted in Fig.4.

Figure 4. The “Rewrite links” activity

First of all, for current item executed “do2()” operation. Further, node requests a contact from contact list. For this contact execute dfs() operation. And so on, i.e. dfs() has recursive call.
The “do2()” operation is a “Create new link” act. In this model, a probability of new contact is constant but this is optional. Possible, “far” and “near” notions binded with “temperature” notion. If temperature is low then close ties has highest probability.
The bfs() activity sets out visited1 attribute to “OFF”. A bfs_restoring() operation restore it attribute to “ON”. Similarly, a dfs_restoring() operation restore visited2 attribute. So, activity can be to repeat again.


Experiment for N = 10 nodes.
The result of measurement to simulation model is shown on Fig. 5.

Figure 5. Results of measurement to simulation model

Item 9 has tear of left with 8 and new link/Item 6 with 9.

The simulation model in C++ code:

ClassesSwProject.h, ClassesSwProject.cpp


In this section we have discussed a configuration space of a simulation models. The configuration space of model can very differ from habitual physical space and, in general case, is network. This network is a random graph, which can change its topology to time.


[1] Watts, D. J.; Strogatz, S. H. (1998). “Collective dynamics of ‘small-world’ networks”. Nature. 393 (6684): doi:10.1038/30918.