
Ontologies in QM

View the Project on GitHub vgurianov/qm

1. Key points

    • Wave function
    • Superposition

2. Main quantum effects

    • Double-slit experiment
    • Uncertainty principle
    • Entanglement
    • Bell’s test

3. Other quantum models

    • Rutherford scattering I
    • Rutherford scattering II
    • Spin
    • Turing machine
    • Non-numerical models
    • Discussion


    • Measurement error
    • Complex nambers
    • Metaprogramming in Python

Complex numbers

1. Integer arithmetic

Our problem is to find a data structure and an addition algorithm for these structures, so that the mathematical model of this process is described by integer arithmetic. This problem has several solutions. We will consider one of the possible options.

Consider the following data structure

class Item:
    def __init__(self, n, sn):
        self.num = n  # it is control field
        self.right = None
        self.sign = sn

where sn is the enumeration {zero, plus, minus}.

Consider a looped one-way list.
The elected list is zero = Item(0). This list is modeled as null. Every other list necessarily contains this object in its basis. For example list

0 , sign= 0
1 , sign= -1
2 , sign= -1
3 , sign= -1

modeled as number -3.

Let’s create two looped lists z1 and z2. For addition (superposition), we define the following algorithm

def add(z1, z2):
    i = 0
    z0 = Item(i, 0)
    z = z0
    while True:
        if z1.sign == 0  and z2.sign != 0 :
            i = i + 1
            z.right = Item(i, z2.sign)
            z = z.right
            z2 = z2.right
        elif z1.sign != 0  and z2.sign == 0  :
            i = i + 1
            z.right = Item(i, z1.sign)
            z = z.right
            z1 = z1.right
            if z1.sign == z2.sign and z1.sign != 0  and z2.sign != 0 :
                i = i + 1
                z.right = Item(i, z1.sign)
                z = z.right
                i = i + 1
                z.right = Item(i, z2.sign)
                z = z.right
            z1 = z1.right
            z2 = z2.right

        if z1.sign == 0 and z2.sign == 0:
    z.right = z0
    return z0

where act() is some action. Note that after the process ends, z1 and z2 will be in their initial state, i.e. looped list is invariant of the addition operation.

It is not difficult to make sure that this situation is modeled by integer arithmetic. Full code is here adding.py.

We can also define a multiplication algorithm. This will be two nested loops

def multiplication(zz1, zz2):
    i = 0
    z0 = Item(i, 0)
    z = z0
    z1 = zz1.right
    z2 = zz2.right
    if (z1.sign == 1 and z2.sign == 1) or (z1.sign == -1 and z2.sign == -1) :
        sign = 1
    elif (z1.sign == 1 and z2.sign == -1) or (z1.sign == -1 and z2.sign == 1) :
        sign = -1

        sign = 0

    while sign != 0:
        z2 = zz2.right
        while True:
            i = i + 1
            z.right = Item(i, sign)
            z = z.right
            z2 = z2.right
            if z2.sign == 0:

        z1 = z1.right
        if z1.sign == 0 :
    z.right = z0
    return z0

After the process ends, zz1 and zz2 will be in their initial state, i.e. looped list is invariant of the multiplication operation.
Full code is here multiplication.py.

Algorithm for multiplying by -1 (sign change)

def change_sign(zz):
    z = zz.right
    i = 0
    z0 = Item(i,0)
    t = z0
    while True:
        i = i + 1
        if z.sign == 1:
            t.right = Item(i, -1)
        elif z.sign == -1:
            t.right = Item(i, 1)
        t = t.right
        z = z.right
        if z.sign == 0:
    t.right = z0
    return z0

2. Complex number structure

Consider an ordered pair of looped lists.

class ComplexNumber:
    def __init__(self, r, i):
        self.real = r
        self.imag = i

and define the following processes.

A process that is modeled by the addition of complex numbers.

def cadd(cz1, cz2):
    r = add(cz1.real, cz2.real)
    i = add(cz1.imag, cz2.imag)
    z = ComplexNumber(r,i)
    return z

A process that is modeled by the multiplication of complex numbers.

def cmultiplication(cz1, cz2):
    r1 = multiplication(cz1.real, cz2.real)
    r2 = multiplication(cz1.imag, cz2.imag)
    r2 = change_sign(r2)
    r = add(r1,r2)
    i1 = multiplication(cz1.imag, cz2.real)
    i2 = multiplication(cz1.real, cz2.imag)
    i = add(i1,i2)
    z = ComplexNumber(r,i)
    return z

A process that is modeled by the square of the modulus of the amplitude.

def amplitude_squared(z):
    i = 0
    z0 = Item(i,0)
    t = z0

    x = z.real.right
    while True:
        y = z.real.right
        while True:
            i = i + 1
            t.right = Item(i, 1)
            t = t.right
            y = y.right
            if y.sign == 0:
        x = x.right
        if x.sign == 0:

    x = z.imag.right
    while True:
        y = z.imag.right
        while True:
            i = i + 1
            t.right = Item(i, 1)
            t = t.right
            y = y.right
            if y.sign == 0:
        x = x.right
        if x.sign == 0:
    t.right = z0
    return z0

The complete code is here https://github.com/vgurianov/qm/software/complex.py.

From a physical point of view, the following processes are of particular interest: