Implementation of a non-numeric spacetime model with the Minkowski metric
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//--------------------- ReusableClasses.h -----------------
#ifndef ReusableClassesH
#define ReusableClassesH
#include <Classes.hpp>
#include <StdCtrls.hpp>
#include <Dialogs.hpp>
#include <math.h>
#include "InstrumentClasses.h"
enum DirectionOption {FORWARD, BACKWARD};
// carrier of intaraction
class Carrier {
DirectionOption direction;
Carrier(){direction = FORWARD;}
Carrier(DirectionOption d){direction = d;}
// resurce of motion
class Jump {
DirectionOption direction;
Jump *next;
Jump(DirectionOption d) {direction = d; next = NULL;}
* Class: <<Substance>> Component
* The class is Component role in Composite pattern
* ***
* Concept = Phisical matter
* ***************************************************/
class Component {
int tick; // counter of time, it is instrument
Jump *headOfJump, *currentOfJump; // ** Concept = Resource of motion
bool isActivity; // ** Concept = Activity/Passivity state of matter
Component() {
headOfJump = NULL; currentOfJump = headOfJump;
tick = -1;
virtual void Run() = 0;
// motion
void jumpp(){
if (currentOfJump != NULL) {
currentOfJump = currentOfJump->next;
} else {
//ShowMessage(IntToStr(this->number)+" Particle Non Active");
isActivity = false;};
// new tackt of motion
void reset() {
if (headOfJump != NULL) {isActivity = true; };
currentOfJump = headOfJump;
// ** Concept = Influence, Newton's second law
virtual void doImpact(Carrier *f) {
if (f != NULL) {
if (headOfJump != NULL) {
Jump *j; j = new Jump(FORWARD); // Attention! Only forward
j->next = headOfJump;
headOfJump = j;
} else {headOfJump = new Jump(FORWARD);};
// ** Concept = Influence, Newton's 3 law
virtual void interaction(Carrier *f) {
//if (f != NULL) {
}; // class Component
* Class: <<Ontology Atom>> Leaf
* The class is Leaf role in Composite pattern
* ***
* Concept = Point particle
* ***************************************************/
class Leaf: public Component {
Leaf() {
Leaf(int m, int v) { // m - mass (m=1), v - initial velocety >= 0
headOfJump = NULL;
if (v>0) {
headOfJump = new Jump(FORWARD);
currentOfJump = headOfJump;
for (int i = 1; i<v; i++) {
currentOfJump->next = new Jump(FORWARD);
currentOfJump = currentOfJump->next;
currentOfJump = headOfJump;
isActivity = true;
if (v<0) ShowMessage( "Velosety must be >=0; v= "+IntToStr(v));
tick = -1;
// self particle time
void Run(){ tick++; }
void doImpact(Carrier *f) {
if (f != NULL) {
if (headOfJump != NULL) {
Jump *j; j = new Jump(FORWARD); // Attention! Only forward
j->next = headOfJump;
headOfJump = j;
} else {headOfJump = new Jump(FORWARD);};
}; // Leaf
// pulse is time tick
// Is where Temp in composite? Is't where Temp in particle?
class Temp {
int t; // number of time, it is istrument
Temp *marked; // time mark
Temp *next;
bool lb; // it is base signal if true
Temp() {next = NULL; marked = NULL; t = -1;}
Temp(int tn) { // with number of time
next = NULL; t = tn;
lb = false;
* Class: <<Space>> ListItem
* The class is container
* ***
* Concept = Cell of space
* ***************************************************/
class ListItem {
//Temp *curTemp;
Component *contents;
ListItem *left, *right;
Temp *tmp, *temp;
int countTmp; // debug
int x; // number of cell, it is instrument - epistemology entity
DataRecorder *observer; // - epistemology entity
ListItem() {
ListItem(int xx, DataRecorder *o) {
contents = NULL;
left = NULL; right = NULL;
x = xx; observer = o; // instrument in cell - epistemology entity
countTmp = 0;
// append item of local time
void appTemp(Temp *tm) {
countTmp++; // debug: control value
if (temp == NULL) {
temp = new Temp(countTmp - 1); // t is countTmp-1
tmp = temp;
} else {
tmp->next = new Temp(countTmp - 1);
tmp = tmp->next;
tmp->marked = tm; // synchronisation with global time
void resetTmp() {
tmp = temp;
// <<Exist>>
void ItemRun(Temp *tt, int tGlob, Carrier *c) {
if (tmp != NULL) {
if (tt == tmp->marked) {
if (contents != NULL) {
contents->Run(); // exist of particle
observer->fixIt(tGlob, tt->t, x, tt->t, contents->tick); // observe particle
//print "ListItem is act:","for tt=marked=", tt.t, "ListItem=", self.x, "tloc=", self.tmp.t
contents->doImpact(c); // interaction
//observer.detect(tGlob,c); // observe act of interaction
tmp = tmp->next; // time run in cell
}; // ListItem
* Class: <<Ontology Category>> Composite
* The class is Composite role in Composite pattern
* ***
* Concept = Physical space
* ***************************************************/
class Composite : public Component {
// particle motion
void move() {
ListItem *ll;
// reset all particles
ll = lst;
while (ll != NULL) {
if (ll->contents != NULL) ll->contents->reset();
ll = ll->right;
// motion of particle
ll = lst;
while (ll != NULL) {
if (ll->contents != NULL) {
if (ll->contents->isActivity) {
// place control
//print "Particle in ",ll.x
ll->right->contents = ll->contents;
ll->contents = NULL;
ll = ll->right;
} // move()
virtual Carrier *interaction(Carrier *c) = 0;
//virtual Carrier *interaction(Carrier *c) {
// return NULL;
Temp *tmp; // Global time
ListItem *lst; // space
Carrier *carr; // interaction carrier
//int tick; // counter time - epistemology entity
Composite() {
Composite(int sizeTick, int countTick, DataRecorder *ob) {
carr = new Carrier(FORWARD);
// Space and Time
lst = new ListItem(0, ob);
ListItem *ll; ll = lst;
tmp = new Temp(0);
Temp *tt; tt = tmp;
int ii = 1;
for (int k = 0; k < countTick; k++) {
tt->lb = true;
for (int i = 0; i < sizeTick; i++) {
ll->right = new ListItem(ii, ob);
tt->next = new Temp(ii);
ll = ll->right;
tt = tt->next;
ii = ii + 1;
int size = ii-1; // debug: control value
//print "Time count =", size
// Synchronisation global and local time of spacetime
int s; Temp *st;
tt = tmp;
while (tt != NULL) {
if (tt->lb) { // It is moment of time
ll = lst;
while (ll != NULL) {
s = sqrt(tt->t*tt->t +ll->x*ll->x); //ceil,floor
if (s<size) {
st = tmp;
for (int i = 0; i < s; i++) st = st->next;
// control of marking
// print "s=",s,"ListItem=",ll.x, "mark=", st.t #marking debug
ll = ll->right;
tt = tt->next;
// stend up to begin
ll = lst;
while (ll != NULL) {
ll = ll->right;
} // Composite(int sizeTick, int countTick, Observer *ob)
// <<Exist>> operation
void Run() {
//t=0 is singular point
tick = 0;
Temp *tt; tt = tmp;
ListItem *ll; ll = lst;
Carrier *car; carr = interaction(carr);
ll->ItemRun(tt, tick, car);
tt = tt->next;
// run of local time
while (tt != NULL) {
if (tt->lb) {
tick = tick + 1;
//print "World time =", self.tick
//car = Carrier()
car = interaction(carr);
ll = lst;
while (ll != NULL) {
ll->ItemRun(tt,tick, car);
ll = ll->right;
tt = tt->next;
} // Run()