Implementation of a non-numeric spacetime model with the Minkowski metric
View the Project on GitHub vgurianov/srt
Description: module is printer of experimental data
Modul use packages:
Description: class is the data print
Bases: object
def __init__(self, dat)
Name | Type | Description |
dat | Inctance of class “DataProcessing” | experiment data |
Name | Type | Description |
dt | Inctance of class “DataProcessing” | experiment data |
def xt_print_simple(self) and def xtPrintPrettyTable(self)
coordinates print
print dt.x[i], dt.t[i], dt.t_acc[i]
def vel_print_simple(self)
velocity print
def eng_print_simple(self)
energy print
def fromp_print_prettytable(self) velocity and energy print
Description: module is abuilder of plots
Module use packages:
Description: class Visualization is the data visualization
Bases: object
def __init__(self, dat)
Name | Type | Description |
dat | Inctance of class “DataProcessing” | experiment data |
Name | Type | Description |
dt | Inctance of class “DataProcessing” | experiment data |
def trajectory(self)
Description: Track of particle
Parameters: None
def trajectory1(self)
Description: Track and curve of invariant intervals
Parameters: None
def v_from_p_function(self)
Description: velocity plot, particle velocity as function momentum
Parameters: None
def e_from_p_function(self)
Description: energy plot, particle energy as function momentum
Parameters: None